Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Out of Town Guest Accomodations

I found these great tips from the Bronze Budget Bride blog.
Accommodating your guests that are coming in town for your wedding may seem like it will be a hassle if you are just beginning your wedding planning but one of the most important thing to do is to block some hotel rooms for the out-of-towners. You want to make sure they will have somewhere to stay when they get to town and you can easily arrange this for them with these tips:

1. Make sure you block hotel rooms at least 6 - 8 weeks in advance.

2. Book less rooms than you think would be needed because it would be easier for you to add another room if necessary but you may be required to pay for rooms that weren't filled.

3. Choose a hotel that is near to both your ceremony and reception site to make it easier for guests to get around.

4. Make sure the hotel you choose is somewhere you would want to stay, so it should be affordable yet nice and clean.

5. The hotel should have or be near to a restaurant. Guests have to eat!

6. Put together a little "hospitality" bag or basket for each room to help guests to them feel welcome. Include items such as bottled water, snacks, tourist info, sunscreen, soft slippers, local treats etc.


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